
Syntax: @AttribVals LogAtt, StrArray, NumVar

AttribVals enables all the values of a List attribute LogAtt to be moved into a string array StrArray in one go. The number of values will also be returned into the numeric variable used for NumVar.

This can be a very useful mechanism to enable validation processing of captured data or of data from external data sources. For example, you can move the values of a List attribute Grade like this:

@AttribVals Grade, MyStr, MyNum

With Grade having values of Director, Senior_Manager and Junior_Manager, MyNum will equal 3. MyStr[2] would contain the string value of Senior_Manager. As you can now more easily work with the array using array element referencing, you are able to utilise the array in validation procedures.

There could be many other instances when you might need to utilise such an array of attribute values.

Note that changing the values in the array has no direct effect upon the values of the attribute. The @AttribVals command simply copies the values across in bulk.